School Supply List
Moore County Middle School
Supply List 2024-25
7th Grade
- English - Smith ([email protected])
- 1- 3-ring binder with pockets
- Dividers
- Paper
- Box of Kleenex
- Composition notebook
- Page protectors
- Math - Jennings ([email protected])
- 1 - 3 ring binder with pockets (1.5 or 2 inches)
- Dividers (5)
- 1 - calculator - Texas Instruments TI - 30X II S (Required; this calculator can be used through Algebra 1)
- Paper Wide Ruled (will need multiple packs throughout the year)
- Highlighters (various colors)
- Box of Kleenex
- pencils/ erasers
- expo markers - small ones
- (Optional - White Board personal size)
- Science - Harper ([email protected])
- Composition notebook
- 3-ring binder
- Colored pencils
- Handheld sharpener
- Paper
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Glue sticks
- Pencil pouch for colored pencils, pencils, and sharpener
- $10 Lab fee
- Social Studies - Prater ([email protected])
- 1- Composition Notebook (not spiral)
- Pencils
- Loose leaf paper
- Earbuds (for classroom use)
- Colored Pencils
- Scissors
- Highlighter
Wishlist-not required
- Index cards
- Clorox Wipes
- Kleenex
Earbuds: Please purchase an inexpensive pair that will remain in your child’s Chromebook case.
Moore County Middle School
Supply List 2024 - 2025
8th Grade
- English - Dennis ([email protected])
- 1 Folder w/ pockets
- Notebook Paper
- Highlighters
- Pencils
- Colored pencils/markers
- Kleenex
- Poster board or Tri-fold for project in Oct. (Does not need to be purchased now)
- Math - Sanders ([email protected])
- 1 - 3 ring binder with pockets (at least 1 inch) with paper
- 1 - graph paper composition books and/or graph paper
- 1 - calculator - Texas Instruments TI - 30X II S
- 1 - Dry erase board & Dry erase markers
- Highlighters
- Pencils
- Pencil Pouch for 3-ring binder
- Highlighters
- Kleenex
- Clorox Wipes
- Science - Deal ([email protected])
- 3 Ring Binder (at least 2 inch)
- Dividers
- Sheet Protectors
- Colored pencils
- Hand-held sharpener for colored pencils
- Paper (computer & notebook)
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks or Tape
- Pencil Pouch (to store items)
- $10 Lab Fee
- Sanitizing wipes (appreciated - not required)
- Hand sanitizer (appreciated - not required)
- Kleenex (appreciated - not required)
- Social Studies - Sparkman ([email protected])
- 1 - 2” (or larger) - 3-ring binder
- 1 pack of 3-ring dividers
- Pack of #2 wood pencils
- 1 small box of colored pencils
- 1 large pencil eraser
- Pencil pouch
- Notebook Paper
- Clorox wipes (appreciated)
- Hand Sanitizer (appreciated)
- Tissues (appreciated)
Earbuds: Please purchase an inexpensive pair of earbuds that will remain in your child’s Chromebook case.
Moore County High School
Supply List 2024 - 2025
High School
Algebra I
- 3" binder
- Tab dividers
- College ruled paper
- TI- 30XIIS Calculator
- One of the following for the classroom:
- Expo Markers
- Clean Ex
- Pencils
Algebra 2
- 3" binder
- Tab dividers
- College ruled paper
- TI- 30XIIS Calculator
- One of the following for the classroom:
- Expo Markers
- Clean Ex
- Pencils
1. 3" binder
2. Tab dividers
3. College ruled Paper
4. Graph Paper
English I - Houghton
- 1 - 3” Three Ring Binder
- Page Protectors
- College ruled paper
- Pencils
- Index Cards
- One Box of Kleenex OR One bottle of Germ - X
English III and IV - Mr. Poston
- 3 ring binder
- Loose leaf paper
- Composition book
- Pencils
- Earbuds
- Germ-X or Kleenex
Chemistry and Physics - Coach Christian
- One pack of black expo dry-erase markers
- one glue stick
- Colored pencils
- one poster board
Biology I Supplies - Mrs. Buchanan
Required Supplies
- 1 ½ or 2-inch binder
- 10 tab dividers or adhesive tabs for binder
- 10 sheet protectors
- notebook paper
- pencils
- black pens
- unlined paper for drawing
Helpful Supplies
- colored pens (strongly encouraged)
- colored pencils
- handheld pencil sharpener
- glue sticks
- scissors
- index cards
- scientific calculator
US History - Coach Brown
- Paper/Pen
- Small Notebook
- Kleenex
Art I, II, III - Mrs. Garrett
- Pencils
- Paint chips in different colors
- Colored pencils
Art History - Mrs. Garrett
- Spiral notebook
- Pencils
- Pens
- Highlighters
**Not required but would be appreciated**
Liquid glue
White Posterboard
English II (Honors & Regular)-Mrs. Tucker
- Binder with at least 6 dividers
- Pens or pencils
- 2 composition notebooks
- Earbuds/Airpods/Earpods/
Airbuds/Headphones - $5 book fee
Spanish I and II - Mrs. Brown
- Binder (can be shared with other classes)
- Paper
- Pencils/Blue or black pens
- Earbuds (for Chromebook use)
- *Dry erase markers (for student use-optional)
- *Colored pencils/markers (for student use-optional)
Health Science
1. 1 binder or folder with pockets; Notebook paper
2. Pencils
3. $5.00 class fee - to cover costs of class supplies
(One of the following)
Expo Markers ( Pack)
Kleenex (Box)
Lysol Wipes
Anatomy and Physiology
1. Colored Pencils
2. Folder or binder with pockets
3. Notebook paper
4. Pencils
5. $10.00 class fee to cover cost of lab supplies
(One of the following)
Expo Markers ( Pack)
Kleenex (Box)
Lysol Wipes
Medical Therapeutics:
1. 1 binder or folder with pockets; Notebook paper
2. Pencils
3. $5.00 class fee - to cover costs of class supplies
(One of the following)
Expo Markers ( Pack)
Kleenex (Box)
Lysol Wipes
Nursing Education
1. 1 binder with pockets
2. Pencils